Design & Create

By designing a piece of jewellery in collaboration with a customer I am able to gain a greater appreciation of their desires. This with the ability to source stones from many suppliers' obligation free, means instead of having to sell those previously acquired I will be able to find the best possible match for the client and their design.

The commission of a piece of jewellery is not complete if it does not meet a high standard of structural integrity and finish that will endure coupled with the client's upmost satisfaction possible.

Redesign & Remodel

It is often possible to give new life to materials trapped in jewellery which is no longer in favour or beyond restoration and repair. In consultation with the client, a new more desirable piece of jewellery can be designed which best captures the qualities and value of these materials.

Redesign & Remodel
Restoration & Repair

Using high quality materials and techniques, restorations or repairs are undertaken with much respect to the piece of jewellery to achieve the best possible result. Note: cleaning and polishing a piece of jewellery, not only restores its finish but also allows the jeweller the opportunity to check for damage from wear.